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Do I need to apply for a space at the market? - No, you can book straight into a space within your category providing no-one else has booked in. If you look at a date and there is no time showing, then the space has been allocated but if you email me a picture of what you make I can compare and may very well be able to add another space if there is availability.

Are tables and chairs provided? All of our indoor spaces have tables and chairs provided, so you will only need to bring your own if you are booked into a gazebo space outside.

What size are the tables? All of our tables are a standard 6ft wide, they are standard hall hire table size, with the exception of Audley where most are  5ft rectangular tables.

I have booked but where is my information pack? You will find the information pack at the bottom of the email that you receive once you have booked and paid but you can download a copy from the information download page if you lose your email.

Can I share my table with a friend? Sharing is only permissible with prior arrangement. I try very hard not to put two of the same category near each other so table sharing can complicate an already elaborate job. At some markets i can duplicate categories due to space and size of the venue. If you are planning to share with a friend please call or email me before booking. 

Do I really need insurance? Insurance is very important to protect you and your business. Some people think they are just playing at a hobby but if you are making to sell in any capacity you automatically become a small business. You can find plenty of small crafter insurance companies  on the internet which are very affordable, one popular one is called 'Simply Business' this is just one of many. Please shop around to find one that suits what you do.

If I cancel will I get a refund? Our cancellation policy is in all the information packs. If you cancel your space with 4 weeks or more notice of the market date you will receive a refund minus a £5 admin fee. For any cancellations with less than 4 weeks’ notice, you will not be eligible for a refund.

Are there kitchen facilities at the market? There are no kitchen facilities at all venues so please bring your own refreshments. At some venues there may be a café running depending on staffing levels

How do I see if you have space for me? Its really easy to book your space. We don't run on an application basis , so once you have paid you know your space is secured. So go ahead and book your stall by following the process below:
· Click on the venue
· Scroll down 
· Click on your category 
· Click ‘book now’ 
(This will take you to a calendar, all  markets are on a Saturday where you'll see a time on the date of the market)
· Click on the time, (If there is no time showing then please email me a picture of your makes so i can see if i can fit you in)
· Click on Next (This is on the right of the calendar.)
· Complete the form
· Click Pay now.

What if I fit multiple categories? It is really important you pick the correct category for your products as I like to make sure that I don't have two similar stalls next to each other. If you cross over several categories please pick the one that covers the majority of your products but you must email me a photo of what your table layout looks like so I can see what type of stock you sell.

I am stuck, I can't book in and I'm not very good on the computer can you help? Yes, I'm always happy to help and if you don't have the facilities to book online you can call me or email me and I will help. If you just need me to talk you through how to book in that's fine too. You can use the 'let's chat' button on the website as that pings on my phone, so where I can help you whilst away from my laptop I will. 

How much is a stall?
Lyndhurst - From £33
Lymington - From £36
Fair Oak - From £25

Audley Stanbridge - £30

I am a musician and I am interested in Busking at your market how do I apply? We love meeting new musicians and are always pleased to encourage new buskers, please email us at including a link so we can hear what you play. Let us know the dates you are available. We look forward to you joining us soon.

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Interested in becoming a trader? 

Please contact us by emailing with details about you and photos your handmade products.


Want to know more about what we do?  Browsing the FAQ's page  will answer your question but if you cant see the answer please do feel free to reach out, I’d love to hear from you!




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©2021 by New Forest Makers Markets.

We are not affiliated to any other makers market company.

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